The European Studies Center (CSE) of the Road Haulage comes from the effort of the partners who wanted to create a platform to combine different skills and disciplines at the service of a single economic reality.

Avv. Natale Callipari (CSE Founder and holder of the Callipari Law Firm)

Natale Callipari, founder of the Law Firm with offices in Verona, Milan, Rome and Monaco of Bavaria, practices law for over thirty years, with passion. He constantly spends a lot of energy to the scientific study and he published numerous monographs and articles for academic journals. He focused his activity mostly on corporate law, transport law, real estate and the medical liability, also writing textbooks and holding conferences in Italy. Natale Callipari constantly deals with issues related to transports law, offering legal assistance both in out-of-court dispute and judicial litigation, representing companies and private clients. Natale Callipari published as author several textbooks such as: “L’autotrasporto di merci per conto di terzi”, C.A.F.I. publisher; “L’autotrasporto di merci per conto terzi” - second edition, C.A.F.I. publisher; “L’autotrasporto di merci per conto terzi”- third Edition, C.A.F.I. publisher; “Il contratto di autotrasporto di merci per conto terzi”, published by Giuffrè Editore. Natale Callipari was knighted by the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano on the 2nd of June 2013.



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